Friday, July 25, 2008

30 days and counting.


45 min bike to work. About eight miles - it's really hilly for thelast four miles. I ordered another bike computer so I can start breaking into splits (there are some slow parts b/c of traffic). But the good (or bad) part is that the ride to work is all up hill once Ihit Virginia, and on the way home, it's all uphill once I hit DC. So technically, I'm going to be getting my ass kicked no matter which wayI ride.

Run after work - I'm still building my run times. I'm at pyramids right now of 2 on, 4 off, 3 on, 4 off, 2 on. I'm not doing any speed work this week, just trying to up my distance. So far the knee feels good, but a little tender. I iced and stretched with my bands last night.

Swim - 45 minutes. Ouch. Warmed up with 100, then 200 mixing it up plus kickboard. Did decents 300, 200, 100. Then four sprint 25M moderateX25M Sprint. 30 sec rest between. 30 seconds never felt so short. I still can't control my breathing for longer than 50 m at a time - I want to breathe every other stroke, but my body can't take it for longer than two laps.

Then I did 4 sets of 50 with the pull buoys and cooled down with 100.

By the end of it I was convinced I was going to drown in the race. But I'll get back in on Sunday and hopefully I'll feel stronger.

My plan for the weekend is to bike the course tomorrow with a short transition run and then spend Sunday in the pool. I'll report in howit goes. Also, I realized that I left my brand new snazzy water bottle in theshower at the pool. Damnit.

I have so much energy and am so cheerful right now, it's disguising. I *hate* it when the morning people are right. I'm sulking into my much-needed-well-earned latte.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

32 days and counting

oh god. oh god. oh god.

32 days. Full on panic has been setting in. I'm desperately afraid to get hurt again, but I'm totally panicked to go in so unprepared. And you would think that the bike and the swim would make me sweat bullets. But no -- it's the fact that I am currently running only in 3 minute intervals that's waking me up at night.

I actually ran outside this weeekend - it was brutally hot in New York City. But I did my one minute, two minute, one minute builds. And I admit I pushed that two out to more like three. I felt great. So today I got on the treadmill and I started at two minutes, 3 min, two and my RIGHT knee started getting all this attitude. I can't tell if it's a injury twinge or just a man-you-haven't-been-running twinge. But I was injured on my left side, so who knows what's up with that.

This weekend I'm finally in town so my plan it to the throw the bike in the car and go out and take a look at this course in Maryland. I can't decide whether to bring my road bike or my mountain bike. Maybe my mountian bike since I'm planning to just tool around (for 17.5 miles) and then doing a baby baby run.

Here's my schedule up to Vacay-2008:

Tuesday: Mini run.

Wednesday: Bike home from work. Leave car at office.

Thursday: Bike to work (car transfer is getting increasingly difficult since I hate taking the metro to work with a burning passion). Pick up car. Mini run at lunch.

Friday: Pool time (might try morning swim - have this crazy idea that it might be helpful.)

Saturday: Ride course in Maryland/transition run

Sunday: Back in the pool - be sore and grouchy from saturday ride.

Monday: Ride to work/ride home from work.

Tuesday: Run

Wednesday: Go to Caribbean -- take day off.

Thursday, July 30th - August 5th: Run as much as possible. Eat lots of good food. Drink fun drinks. Swim swim swim.

August 6th: Face Reality. Panic. Realize that there are only 18 days left until race. Work self to death until August 20th. Then tell everyone i'm tapering until race day.

So far that's my plan.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

24 hours in - and it hurts

Tuesday: Rock-climbing, 2 hours
Wednesday: 8 miles, uphill - approximately 45 minutes

As I was explaining to a friend of mine this morning, why yes, I am in fact a rockstar.

So far the kickoff into Retraining-The-Tri-2008 is going very well. Last night I went climbing and that was tons of fun and I think I got a good work out. I didn't fall so I guess the arguement could be made that I wasn't pushing myself hard enough -- on the other hand - all my muscles were shaking when I got to the top, so it wasn't exactly a cakewalk. I ate a cliffbar for dinner (delicious), went home, inhaled toast and fell into bed for 8.5 hours.

Then this morning I woke up and hopped on my bike and rode to work - down rockcreek park and up the Curtis trail. It was *amazing*. And when I say "amazing" what I mean is brutal, hard and uphill in 80-degree weather. And I am really really out of shape. Not as bad as when I did it last fall after doing nothing for months and ended up having to sit down on the side of the trail and breathe so I didn't throw up. But in that same range of pain. I think I could whittle it down to a half an hour ride - I'm trying to find the best way to get to the trail without hitting stoplights or running over pedestrians. Oh, or being run over by trucks. If I could get a straight ride and was strong enough to push the whole way, I think it would be pretty fast.

Hitting the pool tonight with E. Hopefully it wouldn't be a total diaster. I am crossing my fingers because although I feel pretty confident that I can get through a 3 mile run and a 20 mile bike -- not gracefully, but through, without crawling, I don't feel that confident about my ability to swim 900 meters before doing all the rest of it. There are may flip turns in my future. I can feel it coming.

Reports to follow.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Guilt. The Panic.

Well, well. Hello July.

Last night I got "the talk" from a friend of mine. I didn't enjoy it, but I acknowledge that someone had to throw some ice water over this delusion I have that I can run a triathlon without embarassing myself... or training for it. Basically I've been hiding under the bed since I got hurt, hoping that by ignoring the summer I could make August go away. So far, no luck. So now July has showed up like annoying dinner guests, fifteen minutes early when you're still trying to lay crackers out on a plate and you haven't straightened up the house. But I just have suck it up and cope.

So this is me packing my bags from my vacation of not coping.

Today. July 8th, 2008: I went to the gym. And let me tell you, my friends, it was a whole lot more fun then I thought it would be. I'm still really sensitive to the knee, so I did a 10 minute warm-up on the bike and started my run pyramids, which my PT gave me back in - whatever - I don't want to talk about when it was.

So I built - 5 minutes walking; 1 minute run. 5 walk, 2 run; 5 walk, 1 run. Then I cooled down and stretched all the leg muscles and did my foam roller (can I just spare a minute to say, "I HATE THE FOAM ROLLER").

Among other things I'd like to report the following. A) I resent that I feel fabulous right now B) Back in the day when I was doing this, I was damn impressive. My gym bag is so well organized that I feel like I should photograph it - after I dusted it off, C) My heart rate monitor is dead. Go figure.

Here's my plan for the rest of the week:

Tuesday: baby run - rockclimbing
Wednesday: bike leisurely to work/swim workout
Thursday: baby run/yoga
Friday: Bike
Saturday: (In NYC w/ JJ) Swim/Rockclimb
Sunday: baby run
Monday: Bike home from work

Then we will reassess where we are with everything and see if I can turn the baby run into a toodler-like run. I have to stay uninjured. But I also seriously need to reorganize my priorities and get this race together. I feel like since the race is pretty small I might let rockclimbing stand in for my weight training. Between rockclimbing and yoga I feel like I'm probably going to get more tones then I would if I was chaining myself to the handweights anyway - and hey, it's more fun.