Friday, February 15, 2008

latte day

Yoga: 1 hr.

happy friday to me.

I love fridays because I get to wear jeans. But I love fridays even more because I allow myself to hop over to my neighborhood coffee shop - where someone always flirts with me despite the fact it's 9 am - and get a big, hot, foamy latte alllllll for me.

So I rolled into work at a little before ten - then promptly headed right back out the door because I had yoga class at 11. Happy to report that my transition time in and out of gym clothes is getting shorter. It takes me approximately two minutes. And even more satisfying, I got waved through by the woman at the desk today with a, "I know who you are". Ha. It's all paying off. I wish I loved my gym as much as other people I know. Not that I don't love it - but it's a purely functional relationship. And it's pretty short on the amenities. It has a steam room and a sauna, not that you're really want to be naked in them - but still. But the towels are not fluffy and there is no cafe. In short - not a place to hang out. (Nor - to be fair 0 is it filled with the sort of people you'd want to hang out with - even if you were inclined to hang out, which i am not).

Unfortunately, when I stack up my priorities, I have to acknowledge that being able to get to the gym in under five minutes - walking - is more important to me than fluffy towels. This is sad because I'd like to think that if I hung out at the Hilton Gym I would work out just as much. But I wouldn't. Why? Because the Hilton is four blocks away and Sport and Health is only one. The less space between me and the gym, the better. However a friend of mine who I coaxed into doing the September race with me, sent me the link to her gym and I just about died. Indoor pool. Outdoor pool. Lap pool. Sauna. Deck. I mean really, Washington, get it together. And MD will probably kick my ass in this race, since I'm cobbling together this training schedule with community pools and a gym that costs 45 bucks a month. However, at the end of it, maybe I can sell my story to NPR "Tri on the Cheap".

Anyway, what was I talking about? Oh yes, yoga. Yoga was good. Yoga is always a good test for me. If I'm really tired, I shake and fall out of tree pose and everyone stares at me. Today I was rock solid all the way up into the very slow pushup section - then the shaking began. But all in all a good stretch session and my hip feels so much better. I probably need to arrange a day off at some point, but this weekend is all about the bike. Since it's my only change to get outside I feel like I want to take advantage of every hour of daylight.

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