Friday, March 14, 2008

PT v1

Had my first physical therapy appt this morning. It was awesome - not exactly fun, but really great to know that whatever is going on with my knee is not serious. The woman thinks that I strained by ATL band - or the way she explained it is actually that I built a lot of muscle there and the band has gotten so strong that it's basically pulling my kneecap out of place. Which is, when you think about it, kind cool and kind of gross at the same time.

So here's what I have to do:

3 reps of 1min stretches of my iliotibial band using a towel or a dog leash to pull my leg across my body and down.

15 leg lifts (lying on my back, left knee raised, lift right leg out straight and hold for 5 secs); switch sides, repeat.

Lie sideways on a foam roller and basically massage the tissue in my outer thigh by rolling up and down. This part sucks because a) it demands that I go to the gym and b) it hurts.

Then I have to ice as much as humanally possible. Must invest in theraputic frozen foods and label appropriately.

My friend is now trying to talk me into doing a half marathon in June. I feel tempted, which is hilarious considering that I am basically bench warming at the moment. We'll see how this takes. Back in the pool tonight.

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